The kid had her first photo shoot last week and everything looked great. At the last minute I got so nervous that they would put the little magic wand on me and there would be nothing there, or there would be no heartbeat. Then I thought, "What if there're two?" I would seriously have wet my pants, which I was about to anyway, because you're not supposed to pee beforehand. Which I found out via the internet, because no one in my doctor's office bothered to tell me that.
I'm really on the fence about my doctor's office. On the one hand, I like the doctor and he's very pleasant and seems very thorough and knowledgeable. But there are definitely some cons. I don't like dealing with his staff very much. This is a trend in DC that I've noticed in all doctor's offices, or I should say 90% of the ones I've dealt with. The office staff are rude, dismissive, and disorganized. We dealt with this a lot last year when Paul was (we thought) dealing with something potentially very serious and we had to deal with the asscaps at our primary care doctor's office. They were terrible, and they made everything more difficult than it had to be. I always assumed that if one was dealing with something really really bad that medical staff would kind of step up and just be that much more helpful and kind but....not so much.
The other thing is that he's alone in his practice; there's just him. He has a team of doctors backing him up but you wouldn't meet them unless you happened to go into labor when he wasn't available. And it seems like there would be a decent chance that he might not be available, and then you'd be with someone you didn't know. Then there's the hospital where he delivers (the only one in town, apparently, because every single woman I've met in Washington DC is going to this hospital). It's often very crowded, from what I can gather, and the nursing staff has some less than stellar reviews online, too. There's very little chance of getting a private room, which - meh. That's the kind of think that might really bother me or might bother me not at all, I have no idea. Also the Caesarean rate at this hopsital is almost 50%. That's not really super unusual for a big urban hospital but it's not very encouraging for someone who wants to do things the old-fashioned (read: painful) way.
I'm feeling pretty good for the most part, but the last few days I've just been utterly exhausted. It's like being hungover without having had any fun. I'm spaced out and no matter how much sleep I get, it's not enough. Today I got off at the wrong metro stop and when I got above ground I stood there blinking for ten minutes, having no earthly clue how to actually get to the office from where I was. I tried to do the dishes with hand soap this morning too. I tend to do things like stand at the elevator bank and have to realllllly concentrate to figure out which button to push - up or down? This is the so-called 'baby brain' that I've heard so much about, but really, I probably acted this way all the time and now just have a convenient excuse for being a space cadet.
What was I saying?